Why marketing should be part of your EOFY plan.
There’s an old saying that is “If you’re not marketing, you’re not moving forward.” It’s not a difficult phrase to translate and it is absolutely correct. Yet, one of the biggest mistakes business make is to put marketing ‘on hold’ when things get busy, no more so than when the June 30 deadline for the End of Financial year appears on the horizon.
The EOFY is usually a very busy time for most businesses and there is a great tendency within many of those businesses to put an action plan in to place that doesn’t prioritise a marketing plan, the general trend being to back away from spending and committing to anything until ‘Tax time’ as we know it is over.
This is a terrible mistake.
Why should marketing be a top priority mid-year?
The truth is marketing should be a top priority for any business all year round. If you want to continue to create results that drive business growth and opportunity, why would you switch off marketing?
Mid-year is a vital time for any marketing plan. We’re halfway through the calendar and have been working hard and striving to achieve the goals that were set at the end of the previous year. It’s a great time to be focusing on how are your business is tracking, what has worked and what needs to be revisited, and this is all part of your marketing strategy. It’s not just spending dollars, it’s the process of your strategy and aligning your goals correctly.
Marketing momentum is also another key factor to consider. If you make a bold decision to switch off or wait until things have calmed down on the other side of June 30, then when exactly can you expect that to be? There’s no way to determine it. You need to find a way to make sure that during your busiest time, you are still able to commit to your marketing strategy, otherwise you’re going to regret that decision in just a few short months.
Here comes Christmas
The other time Australian businesses tend to switch off from marketing activity and planning is in the lead up to Christmas. On paper, it’s understandable, the whole nation tends to get in to the Christmas vibe which normally kicks in once the Melbourne Cup has been run. So twice in less than six months the trend of getting our priorities out of order arises. So what can we do?
Mid-year momentum
You can’t stop the Christmas juggernaut once it arrives, abd it lasts beyond the 25th December and well in to the new year, generally until after Australia as a nation catchess its breath and enjoys some sunshine and holiday time.
This is the time when you should be planning ahead. Ask yourself and understand what are your objectives for the new calendar year? Where do you want to make improvements and grow? This is the optimum time to work on the business and not in it.
Which means. That midyear period where things might seem a little hectic for a few weeks IS NOT the time to start changing priorities, instead doubling down and putting in the hard work to ensure you have the future planning time later in the year and your marketing momentum has not been interrupted.
How do you find the time?
I know what you’re thinking, it’s easier said than done and if you are responsible for the marketing in your business, where are you meant to find the time? It’s a fair response.
The answer is, with a marketing agency.
If you make the time now and find the right agency for your business, your own time will not be comprised and your business will continue with it’s progress and growth.
A great marketing agency will relieve the pressure for you. Your time commitment will be a day long strategy session in which you will play a pivotal role in providing information to the agency to work on the best strategy for you. From there, they will take care of business.
Imagine not having to switch off marketing, having new clients regularly and not having the pressure of doing it yourself through the EOFY.
Not only will you get your strategy, plan and deliverables, you’ll get reporting managed for you too so you only need to look at the information rather than produce it to see your return on investment.
How good does that sound?